If your taxation and business affairs are becoming too complex or you are planning to commence in business and just don't know where to start, then the Professional Staff at Messenger Zerner are able to help.
Messenger Zerner provide Accounting & Taxation services for a broad range of clients including Companies, Partnerships, Trusts, Super Funds and Individuals.
Our services include preparation of financial statements and income tax returns for small to medium business taxpayers, advice and assistance with BAS’s, GST and related matters, Fringe Benefits Tax, Capital Gains and salary packaging issues.
We offer advice and assistance with accounting and taxation law issues that may affect your business or personal circumstances. All income tax returns and selected secretarial documents can be lodged electronically so most refunds are received within 10 days.
We can also assist in setting up and maintaining your accounting records on the major business computer software packages such as Xero, MYOB, Reckon and Phoenix.
We encourage our business clients to connect to ‘Cloud’ accounting software and the data feeds available where applicable as this provides efficiencies in processing data, both from clients and our perspective, as well as allowing prompt analysis of results for management reporting purposes.
Our liaison with preferred financial partners enables our clients to plan their financial future both from a personal lifestyle perspective as well as being able to deal with any taxation implications that may arise. This liaison between financial planning and income tax is an important factor people often forget and which sometimes results in unnecessary and complex income tax issues if not addressed correctly.
Messenger Zerner's friendly professional staff are only too happy to assist you in all areas of accounting and income tax matters.