Jun 15, 2022
What is Single Touch Payroll?
Single touch payroll (STP) is a relatively new reporting requirement for employers to send complete payroll information direct to the Australian Tax Office each time you pay your employees using STP enable software. Additional reporting requirements were introduced in early in 2022 to assist Services Australia customers, who may be your employees, to ensure they receive their correct entitlements. You may need to reach out to your digital service provider to ensure they are compliant.
If you do not use STP enabled software, the Australian Tax Office has offered low or no cost solutions. Please follow the https://softwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au/no-cost-and-low-cost-solutions-single-touch-payroll or alternatively you can contact us at Messenger Zerner to manage this process for you.
Stapled Super fund requirements
Employers are required to offer employees with a superannuation standard choice form on commencement of employment. Should your employee request the ‘super fund nominated by my employer’ option, you must complete a stapled super fund check prior to creating a new fund with your default super provider. Before you can request stapled superfund details, you will need to have either lodged their TFN declaration or have processed one payroll period and reported STP. You will need the following information:
- An ATO online services for business
- Employee TFN
- Employee full name
- Employee address
- Employee date of birth
If you do not have an ATO online services for business login, we will be happy to request the stapled superfund details on your behalf.
Superannuation Guarantee changes
From 1 July 2022, the following changes to superannuation guarantee for employers will come into effect:
- the super guarantee rate is increasing from 10% to 10.5%; &
- the super guarantee threshold of $450 per month will be removed.
Most payroll software will be automatically updated for the above changes, however we recommend that you check the payroll settings to ensure the changes have taken effect when processing the first payroll in the new financial year. Contact us if you would like our help with this process.