Payroll Tax - Small Business Rebate

Nov 17, 2016

Payroll Tax arises in SA when wages exceed the current $600,000 threshold, and is calculated at 4.95% on the excess above the threshold.

  • The rebate provides a payroll tax savings for employers with taxable payrolls of less than or equal to $1.2 million;
  • Where employers are grouped for payroll tax purposes, if the total of the group’s taxable payroll exceeds the $1.2 million, no group members will be entitled to the rebate;
  • The rebate will be paid in the first half of each financial year from 2016/17 to 2019/20 based upon the previous year’s taxable payrolls submitted in the annual reconciliation;
  • Employers must be registered for payroll tax as at 30 June of the relevant financial year;
  • The rebate is phased out for eligible employers with taxable payrolls of between $1 million and $1.2 million; and
  • Employers are not eligible for any rebate until finalisation of their relevant annual payroll tax reconciliation.

Calculation of Rebate:

Annual Taxable Payroll                       Statutory Rate                         Rebate Rate

                 ($)                                                    (%)                                      (%)         

   600,000 to 1,000,000                                   4.95                                     2.45

1,000,001 to 1,050,000                                   4.95                                     1.95

1,050,001 to 1,100,000                                   4.95                                     1.45

1,100,001 to 1,150,000                                   4.95                                     0.95

1,150,001 to 1,200,000                                   4.95                                     0.45

      Above 1,200,000                                        4.95                                        -

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